James Bellerjeau, JD, MBA

James Bellerjeau, JD, MBA

Commenting for Fun and Profit

46 stories

View down a long hallway with doors in the far distance
Large empty building with empty walkway and opaque tunnels
Sep 8, 2023


Hey, I have an idea/a question?
I’d like to learn to post better comments.

Is there a way on Medium to follow someone’s comments (if they don’t publish them in their profike)?

I’d like to check James’s and our famous friend’s (The prisoner -RC) comments, pick their brain, and learn.

Also, perhaps, comments are even more authentic way to understand someone than orchestrated, polished articles.




Written by Borut

Question the mainstream. Avoid groupthink. Seek facts, truth, and connect with like-minded curious truth-seekers.

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