Jun 18, 2024

I am trying to analyse shame in general. Why would some bring shame? Shame, I believe, is a relative, subjective label we stick on things. While objectively I believe that - given all circumstances - we always do our best. Whenever we don’t, something has kept us away from that. So, given all circumstances (including those) we did the best we could at that specific moment.

For example, a friend said to me: “But I got a 1000€ the next day. I could have easily bought it (something). Granted, but on that specific day you didn’t have 1000€, so you did what you best could. Also, replies like ‘…but, if I did that instead…’ are imaginary. We can never know what would have happened if things rolled out differently.


Written by Borut

Question the mainstream. Avoid groupthink. Seek facts, truth, and connect with like-minded curious truth-seekers.

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