I like your world and would love to be a part of it. But I fear it would not be possible. This is just me sharing my perspective, not trying to undermine yours.
Getting (to spend) such amount of money is a huge deviation from an average person’s life and habits. And huge deviations tend to harm and often kill. That’s a widely appearing universal pattern. When you ‘move from a pond to a big see’ you need to know how to survive among the sharks. If it’s not your home, which you are used to, you’re in trouble.
The universe seeks balance. Positive is just the opposite pole of negative. If you push against the balance, you will be corrected by the universe (or Nature), sometimes even with a painful slap.
My favourite saying ‘there is no such thing as a free lunch’ is just another way of saying that the universe works in balance between opposing forces.
Preferring a sunny day over a rainy one (or a night) and making it sunny when you please (perhaps a whole year) creates an imbalance.
In my experience, I have come to believe that if the positivity ‘had won’, that alone would create the need, or craving for its exact opposite. Too much positive creates (too much) negative. The universe strives towards balance.
Please don’t get this wrong. I, too, prefer and agree to all your ideas.
But I have seen that whenever something goes out of balance, the universe tends to return it back. You can see the bigger picture only from enough distance.
You can’t choose (only) positive charge and get electricity (movement, energy).
One more thing I am getting to realize lately is that there seems to be no positive or negative energy, but positive and negative charge that together create energy.
I am far from a pessimist. You can see my articles are full of positive, supportive, and motivational thoughts. Those are realizations that help when (one is in depressive negative state) seeking balance. But when one is in a positive state, one will start seeking balance.