It appears similar to a problem of (hyper)specialism. (Perhaps too) many people are too (hyper)focused in one area to realize the big picture.
It’s similar to a phenomenon in medicine. A cardiologist’s diagnosis of your cough will be heart-related. Like the old saying goes:
‘If a hammer is the only tool you have, all you see are nails.’
As a population, we are too hyper-focused and lack enough systems-thinking generalistic leaders to see the bigger picture.
There is also a magic (potentially lethal) combination with the second characteristic we have generally managed to neglect - the immature ego.
Too many of us and too often, we blame others for (all) our problems and fail to identify our involvement in how to solve our problems.
But from a systems-thinking perspective, we are exactly where we need to be - to learn.
As long as the majority does not recognize something to be wrong, things need to get worse for a (critical) mass to realize and learn (it is wrong).
That’s also the mechanism of natural selection. It does seem cruel, but it’s actually one of the most beautiful mechanisms that made us (and the whole universe or nature) adapt, improve, and endure.
Wow, that idea just came out of thinking about your question. Thanks! ;)