Limiting the source of fear helps a person use their rational brain. ‘I’ll come back’ gave him enough hope to lose the feeling of imminent danger, unlocking prefrontal cortex, and trying to act more rationally.
Putting my thoughts into different perspective - huge instant changes are the ones that kill us and we fear them the most. Unconsciously, I believe.
I was once in his position. I am (almost) apalled today by the way I was thinking and reacting then. I wasn’t agressive or anything, just with a very immature ego.
But I am grateful for the excellent first-hand experience to be able to analyze from an objective standpoint today.
Later, I took full responsibility for what led to ‘the end,’ which was the single reason that enabled me to grow personally.
I concluded that the bigger the mistakes we make, the more we can grow, if only we realize to take responsibility for them.
I wrote an article on that topic, and will be grateful if anyone cares to comment to help me broaden my perspective.