InTrying2UnderstandbyBorutHow To Combine The Necessary Patternsto build a bigger picture that unveils a new, potentially fruitful, or breakthrough ideaJan 10, 20246Jan 10, 20246
InCurated NewslettersbyBorutHAAS — Hacker As A SymptomAn unconventional perspective on a supposed systems destructorJan 11, 20245Jan 11, 20245
InTrying2UnderstandbyBorutStartups and the Fish Pond AnalogyThe one that might reveal the connection between startups, big corporations, and hackingJul 14, 20221Jul 14, 20221
InTrying2UnderstandbyBorutWhy Entrepreneurs Should Care About Brutal Self-ReflectionA popular business approach returns self-destructive trendsFeb 18, 20213Feb 18, 20213
InTechnology HitsbyBorutGlobal Information Security IssueIs this Call to Action? It should be — we are all paying for the consequences.Mar 5, 20222Mar 5, 20222
InTechnology HitsbyBorutThe Low Hanging Fruits Startups Do Not Focus OnSpotting those requires looking in a different direction.Apr 13, 2021Apr 13, 2021