This Pareto principle never ‘held water’ IMHO. I just wrote an article about it and am just about to publish it.
I have a question from a slightly different perspective.
If it is one of the universal natural laws (which I am certain of; it’s just massively misunderstood), it should work in all areas. So, here comes the (two-part) question:
How does it interprete in fitness and training? Or why has no football manager decided to trade the goal-keeper and defense players for top-performing strikers? After all, goal keeper and defense players do not produce any goals (profit). They are a pure unnecessary cost.
I am being provocative purely to provoke deeper thinking in you as I believe Pareto rule is widely misunderstood. Systems theory would argue that no top-performing individuals or imbalanced system can be identified as a functional system.
I welcoe you to read my article and comment. Link will follow in a few days.
Best, Borut